You can help to save this historic landmark

A restored railroad depot-maritime museum and park along the Piscataqua Rover would benefit many people visiting or living in the seacoast area. Please help us make this dream a reality. Donations of time, expertise, objects for the museums, sweat equity, shared stories and histories, of course, money or pledges are appreciated. Every little bit helps!

Make A Donation

A Go Fun Me page is planned. For now, please contact us with your email and comments below.

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Share Your Stories and Photos

Definitely share your knowledge, photos, stories, or artifacts with us. The public spaces in the museum will recreate the railroad depot and contain many historical pieces.

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Make A Pledge

If you can help us with pledges for funds to match LCHIP grants or to pay for projects not covered by preservation grants it would give us much needed funds and boost our fundraising efforts.

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Lend Your Support

Support comes in all shapes and sizes. We need sweat equity volunteers to help with the things we can do ourselves so our available funds are spent wisesly. Advice and donated services are a huge bonus.

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